Who benefits from ‘coding for all’?

As a former music teacher and arts advocate, No Child Left Behind and the accompanying push for ‘back to basics’ education in the early 2000s felt like a direct attack on music education in US public schools. Recently, ‘STEM education’, ‘coding for all’ and ’21st century skills’ are being popularized as a way to expand…

Storying an alternative discourse of public education

When we are constantly told that there is no alternative, it can be hard to imagine that an alternative might ever exist. This point is illustrated quite starkly in an animated adaptation of Platos’ Allegory of the Cave . The short film was first shown to me by a Mexican critical pedagogue and fellow Masters…

Profesores dueños de escuelas subvencionadas por el Estado: una mirada a sus biografías profesionales

El 2011 fue un año especial para la educación chilena. Entre abril y septiembre, los estudiantes secundarios y universitarios llevaron a cabo importantes movilizaciones y protestas, buscando que las autoridades – entre otras medidas – terminaran con el fin de lucro de sostenedores de establecimientos educacionales y que la educación fuera gratuita. En aquel tiempo,…

Admisión con equidad desde las voces de las madres

Al terminar mis estudios de pregrado en Sociología, ingresé a trabajar en la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles (JUNJI), una institución estatal que administra y financia programas de educación inicial. Esta institución forma parte de la “red pública”[1] de la educación inicial y busca focalizar el acceso a familias y niños de sectores desaventajados. Desde…

Admission with equity from the voices of mothers

When I finished my undergraduate studies in Sociology, I started working for the National Board for Early Childhood Education Centres (Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles or JUNJI), a state institution which administers and finances programmes of early childhood education. This institution forms a part of the ‘public network’ [1] of early childhood education and seeks…

What is ‘knowledge’ in IBMYP schools?

After reading David Örbring’s post (or in Swedish here) about knowledge in the Swedish curriculum, I thought back to my own experiences dealing with knowledge as part of curriculum design. In my time as a music teacher, the most formative of all my experiences with “knowledge” was when I was a moderator for the International Baccalaureate Organization’s…

The privatization of education in Chile: a historical perspective

If you analyze school systems from a comparative perspective, the Chilean case stands out for its accelerated and high level of privatization. To understand this distinctiveness, you need to put the changes to the regulation of state-financed private education from the beginning of the 1980s into historical perspective. Although private education [1] was recognized as educational…

Privatización de la educación chilena: una perspectiva histórica

Si se analizan los sistemas escolares desde una perspectiva comparada, el caso chileno destaca por su acelerado y alto grado de privatización. Para comprender esta particularidad, es necesario poner en perspectiva histórica los cambios en la regulación de la educación particular [1] que es financiada por el Estado, desde inicios de la década de 1980.…